It’s Christmas eve and I’m about to partake in some Christmas spirit, but before I go I’ll update the blog with progress on the database and compilations.
I’ve just about finished ads for the years 1956 & 1957, and it’s been a bit of a marathon as a recent uplift of magazines from those years means that they’re probably now complete. Checking for duplicates before updating the database is very time consuming, but worth the effort.
The record count stands at just over 32,000 now, but I have to admit there’s still a long way to go, and the hunt for new source material is never ending.
My new year’s resolution is to update the blog more regularly….
I’ll be publishing an Ariel Motor Cycle adverts compilation in January 2025 most likely followed by James and Francis Barnett later on.
Visitors to the website will have noticed that it’s not only the motor cycle manufacturers that are listed, but equally importantly the component, accessories, fuel, oil and clothing manufacturers. Compilations featuring some of these will follow in due course.
For the current series line up please visit Amazon
Dear Santa
My first bike was a James Comet 98cc, I was 14 at the time and I used to drive my folks mad riding round the garden and tearing up the lawn. This was the mid 1960s and the nation’s sheds were full of discarded motor cycles which the owners were only too happy to let you cart away…. I’ve lost count of the number of bikes I acquired before joining the RAF as an aircraft apprentice in 1970.
Road legal bikes included a couple of Bantams and a Tiger Cub. A BSA A7 and Excelsior Talisman were ‘resting’ in the shed awaiting recommissioning. My parents had other ideas though and these were quietly sent to the scrapman whilst I was away. How I wish I still had them, hence my Christmas letter to Santa requesting one of each.
I subscribe to the Old Bike Mart and am a regular visitor to the Classic Motor Cycle Mechanics shows at Stafford & Newark.. and as soon as funds allow I’m looking to acquire either one or possibly examples of both of these models on 2025.
I’m ashamed to say I was an early convert to Hondas as reliability was essential so have owned several ‘classics’ ranging from the S90, CB72, CB400/4 to a pair of NTV 650’s. My current ride is a Suzuki SV650 which will be 25 years old next year – It’s such a good ride that I’ll probably keep it for the duration. But my heart’s still in the old British iron and I’d like to sample the experience again before I become too decrepit to get them started!
BSA A7 500cc

I’d like to find one or both of these in 2025…
That’s it for the next couple of days.. so may I wish you a very happy Christmas and a Classic 2025!